Words to Life By

" To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life"

-The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Giving it One more try

I haven't been on blogger for about 4 years now. I had some stuff going on in my life at the time that I decided I didn't want to dive into on a public space. I always wanted this space to be somewhere where I could connect with other like-minded people, share my adventures and give and gain inspiration in the creative sense. I love to garden, hike, kayak, cook, craft, knit….. you name it, and I'm a wildlife biologist so I'm constantly going new places and getting work with really cool animals and really cool people. I'm also a photographer on the side; something that started with taking a few photos for a friend after she saw my nature shots and the word has been passed around and now I shoot a lot of photos for people and I love it. 

I'm a fairly restless individual. I always want to be doing or learning something new. My husband would call me a serial hobbiest and I would would agree with that. 

Anyway, I have put that horrible chapter of my life behind me and I'm pretty content with the way things are right now. I have my fresh start and it feels good. My husband and I just bought a great house outside of town on a little over an acre and I'm finally getting to build that backyard homestead I've always wanted. We just got 8 baby chickens and we're anxiously waiting for spring when we can start the garden.

So I'm happy and I'm ready to give this a shot again because I miss the inspiration I get from being out here in the open and sharing with others. So I'm ready to share my thoughts and ideas and I'm ready to learn from all of you out there!

Let this new adventure begin!

PS - be patient with me, I can't believe how much blogger has changed. There are so many things to know and change with these templates…..and I'm not the most tech savy individual :)

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